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Investing in Sri Lanka

Home Investing in Sri Lanka
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Luxury villas for sale

The country’s expansive beaches, lush green hills, world heritage rainforests and bustling cities make Sri Lanka an eclectic experience for all.

Formerly known as Ceylon, Sri Lanka often referred to as the ‘pearl of the Indian ocean’, is claimed by both locals and expats alike as a truly beautiful place to live and work. A country of many facets, Sri Lanka offers a spectrum of experiences, cultures and places for those who enjoy diversity and variety.

Sri Lanka also offers private hospitalization and healthcare with state-of-the-art facilities. A free pre-hospital care ambulance service is also available covering Western and Southern Provinces of the country. In addition, Sri Lanka is also well placed in terms of international travel with reputed international airlines operating flights to and from the country daily.

How to Purchase Property as a Foreign Investor

  • Open an Inward Investment Account (IIA)– This special account isdesignated for eligible investors residing in or outside Sri Lanka. Itallows you to route funds for investment in permitted propertiesand can be maintained in Sri Lankan Rupees or a designated foreign currency.
  • Transfer Funds into the IIA
  • Sign a Letter of Offer
  • Make an Initial Deposit of US$5,000
  • Complete Staged Payments Until Project Completion

All major Sri Lankan banks can be contacted via their websites, and we are happy to recommend trusted local banks such as Sampath Bank or Bank of Ceylon. If you have any questions or needassistance, feel free to reach out—we’re here to help.